Teaching Challenges

As mathematics professors, we are intimately familiar with everyday school life and the challenges of teaching. We know the strengths, but also the weaknesses of teaching practice, common pedagogical approaches and the teaching materials used or available.

Today’s (math) instruction is still often based on rigid, outdated teaching approaches and usually addresses only a few types of learners. Innovation and diversity – as well as the integration and use of digital tools – are unfortunately often neglected, especially in this important basic subject.  

Since many learning types are not or not sufficiently reached with “conventional” teaching methods, the lack of stimulation leads many students to (actual or “perceived”) inability or failure to understand the material. This in turn sets in motion a “vicious circle” of poor understanding, (too) low mathematical ability and loss of interest, which can lead to total aversion or even fear of mathematics.


Your contact persons:
Eva-Maria Infanger and Gerald Infanger, founders and managing directors of MatheArena GmbH.

The Idea Of MathArena

We wanted to do something about these problems. We are convinced that everyone can learn and understand math. But just as important as WHAT is learned, is HOW it is learned. It was therefore clear to us that the future of learning is (also) digital. And since we ourselves were and are very affine and open to digital tools and innovation, we simply tried it and developed MathArena, a completely new, innovative math learning app.

Rating: Excellent

The MathArena app has been officially certified by the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and awarded the seal of approval for learning apps.

This means that teachers, students and parents can be sure that the app has been tested in terms of content, didactics and technology and is ideally suited for use as a digital teaching and learning medium.

More information is available on the official Gütesiegel Lern-Apps-Website.

Gütesiegel Lern-Apps

Seal of approval for learning apps.

Independent Testing Confirms:

“MathArena is a very straightforwardly designed app that is quite quick and easy to use. The design also once again reflects the playful approach to learning that this app is designed to encourage, and the breakdown by different topics is very helpful when searching for specific learning content“

Feedback of a teacher

“The questions were all different and well worded, and always a bit more diverse, so that when it comes to school work, you are well prepared for any questions that might come.”
Feedback of a student


Wondering how exactly the app works in the classroom or have questions about using it as a teaching tool?

Here we have summarized the most frequently asked questions:


When is the app suitable for use?

The MathArena app is suitable for students in grades 5 and up. The app can be used throughout the school year, both in class, as a practice tool at home and in your free time, as well as for exam preparation. The app is the perfect supplement to lessons in school to consolidate what has been learned regularly and playfully.

How can I see if a student is practicing?

In the profile overview there is the possibility to view the points and achievements. Additionally, progress is recorded in all chapters in the overview. All students can share this content with the teacher on a voluntary basis.

What added value can I expect as a teacher?

The MathArena learning app offers you as a teacher several advantages:

  • Upgrading and useful supplementation of (your own) analog teaching aids
  • Digitization of mathematics teaching
  • Addressing learning types/students that are not/barely reachable with “conventional” methods
  • Motivation of students to repeat, consolidate and extend what they have learned in class at the end of the lesson/at home/in their free time and to “match” with classmates in a playful way
  • and much more.

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Our Project Partners

Since December 2021, we have been cooperating with Veritas Verlag. The goal of the cooperation is to improve the learning experience of Austrian students and at the same time to improve their basic mathematical knowledge.

Starting in the 2023/24 school year, the MathArena app for lower grades will be included with all Veritas Verlag mathematics textbooks.

VERITAS Verlags- und Handelsges.m.b.H.&Co.OG


In May 2022, MathArena Oberstufen-App was awarded the official seal of approval for learning apps by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

In addition, MathArena is an integral part of the Eduthek, which provides an overview of the best digital learning media for Austria’s schools.

Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research

In order to further improve the MathArena app and bring it technologically up to date, we have been supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG for short) since mid-2021.

The aim of the research funding is to expand and improve the adaptive learning difficulty and to integrate further mathematical elements.

Austrian Research Promotion Agency Ltd.

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