How Can Companies Support MatheArena?

As a partner or sponsor of MatheArena, you invest in the expansion of the content and the technical development of the app, the expansion into further countries and markets as well as the professionalization and expansion of our sales and communication channels.

We will determine the details and scope of your investment together with you. We can also tailor the specific form of your presence in the app and in our network to your company and your goals on an equally individual basis. The range of possibilities extends from a simple logo presence to focus campaigns and talent contests to exclusive sponsorship of the app.

Contact us without obligation and let’s put together attractive cooperation packages!


Advantages For Companies

Sustainable investment in education and the future

Promotion of the "next generation" of technicians

Direct access to young STEM talents

Positioning as an attractive future employer

Your investment in MatheArena is an investment in education and the future. You are supporting the students of today – and therefore the high potentials and valuable workforce of tomorrow – by providing them with simple, inexpensive and low-threshold access to modern, digital learning materials.

In doing so, you are making a valuable contribution to social development, because the so-called STEM subjects form one of the most important cornerstones in general education and are the key to the most sought-after jobs of the future.

In turn, partnering with MatheArena enables you to position yourself as a company and attractive future employer among the next generation’s up-and-coming talent and most desirable workers – right at the important stage of skills and personality development and job finding.


Your contact persons:

Eva-Maria Infanger and Gerald Infanger, founders and managing directors of MatheArena GmbH.

Are You Interested In A Partnership?

We are looking forward to your inquiry

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Our Project Partners

Since December 2021, we have been cooperating with Veritas Verlag. The goal of the cooperation is to improve the learning experience of Austrian students and at the same time to improve their basic mathematical knowledge.

Starting in the 2023/24 school year, the MatheArena app for lower grades will be included with all Veritas Verlag mathematics textbooks.

VERITAS Verlags- und Handelsges.m.b.H.&Co.OG


In May 2022, MatheArena Oberstufen-App was awarded the official seal of approval for learning apps by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

In addition, MatheArena is an integral part of the Eduthek, which provides an overview of the best digital learning media for Austria's schools.

Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Research

In order to further improve the MatheArena app and bring it technologically up to date, we have been supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG for short) since mid-2021.

The aim of the research funding is to expand and improve the adaptive learning difficulty and to integrate further mathematical elements.

Austrian Research Promotion Agency Ltd.

Let’s get connected!

Yes, I am interested in a partnership with MatheArena